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Thursday, Jan. 22, 2004 - 2:16 pm

I woke up this morning with the beginnings of a sinus headache and froggy throat. Scotty gave me his funk.


When you live with someone, and share just about everything (even spit), it's damn near impossible to disinfect the germy germs. Blah. I'm going to pretend like it's not there, though.

I'm meeting RDG and Mrs. Roboto after class! I know! Aren't you shocked? I'm going all the way to my old hood, too!

I'm looking forward to seeing both of these fine ladies. The last time I saw Mrs. R., we ran in to each other in Canada. Isn't that bizarre?

So, the saga continues with the family I work for. She announced to me this morning that she told her husband (over the phone) that she wants a divorce. She was crying when I got to work this morning. I am feeling very nervous, espcecially since she said thank you so much for your stability in their lives right now..they are really going to need things to look the same.

UGG. What kind of a humongo guilt trip was that?! I dunno what the right thing to do is. I sure do love those kids..but, I seriously don't have time to invest any emotional part of me. It needs to be concentrating on my husband, myself, my weiners, and school and no particular order.

I'm feeling major changes in the weather in all aspects of my life, actually. I'm beginning to grow into myself again..I'm loving school and doing extremely well this quarter. I'm noticing the small things, and thanks to a good friend of mine not worrying about things that I think are problems. I think I need to realize that drifting away from folks is an okay thing, especially when what is important is right under your nose. It is just too much to keep up with everything, you know? I joined the ranks at Red's house for America's Next Top Model. Man.. Yoanna is a whiny sorority girl poser, I think. But, I'm still sticking with her..b/c I chose her in the beginning. I want to kick some confidence into her beautiful face and body.

Alrighty..that's about all I have for now. I hope you kids are doing well out there.


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